第五屆澳門國際紀錄片電影節 下週五揭開序幕


第五屆澳門國際紀錄片電影節 下週五揭開序幕

多部傑作澳門首映 以電影與周遭世界對話
電影節下周五以《東洋魔女》拉開序幕,娓娓道出年過70的日本女子排球隊在60年代轟動國際體壇的血淚史;生活是最好的編劇,《畫家愛上賊》挪威導演本傑明跟拍當事人三年,講述畫家與小偷戲劇性相遇后互相救贖的真實故事;《我12歲,你介意嗎? 》探討了未成年女童網上性侵的問題;觀眾將被《男人與他的海》帶回海洋中,重新認識和思考海洋成為生命和未來的可能;日本名導原一男導演此次給觀衆帶來了《水俁曼荼羅》,通過影像式的呈現追蹤水俁病患者不斷上訴尋求政府認罪賠償的全過程;透過《Sleep》全球巡迴的珍貴演出紀錄以及作曲家李希特(Max Richter)的口述,逐步解密《李希特舒眠曲》這場號稱史上最龐大的現場與線上音樂會的誕生時刻。此外更有多部精選佳片,觀眾可於官方網站與影展節目手冊進一步瞭解。


「焦點導演」安諾查·蘇維查康彭 一窺東南亞神秘電影美學


特設周末限時酒吧 與同好杯酒言歡
澳門國際紀錄片節一直追求獨特新穎的形式,拉近大家與紀錄片的距離。影展期間,與 「Yeast & Feast」合作,於東方基金會的放映廳前特設了 Pop-up Bar,讓觀眾可以在觀影前後交流,一起品一品酒,聊一聊電影。今年影展的最後活動天將以「《李希特舒眠曲》映前聆聽會」的形式呈現,届時有神秘嘉賓為觀眾於映前,分享李希特過往經典作品,帶給觀衆不一樣的觀影體驗。


電影門票將在6月30日於 1ticks.com發售,票價為單場澳門幣60元正,學生及長者可享半價優惠,更多影展詳細節目及資訊,請密切留意官方網站www.moidf.com及臉書專頁。
影展市場推廣:陳琪琦(Raetia CHAN)
創辦於2016年的澳門國際紀錄片電影節(Macao International Documentary Film Festival,簡稱 MOIDF),每屆圍繞著一「年度主題」來選映世界各地的得獎紀錄片,讓MOIDF透過電影,與城市對話。
作為澳門首個及唯一專注於紀錄片電影的影展,MOIDF 每屆皆邀請國際影壇重量級之亞洲導演來澳,擔任「焦點導演」,讓澳門觀眾面對面認識各電影大師其自身一派的紀錄片美學。
除「焦點導演」及選映新作之「世界新片」,MOIDF 亦於每屆影展,常設特選載譽全球的葡語國家傑作的「葡語單元」及展映年代或近或遠傳奇佳作的「經典單元」。
透過放映、活動及與其他地區的平台合作,於夏日舉行的MOIDF 致力拉近紀錄片與大家的距離,擴闊對真實與電影的想像。
Press Release
2021 June 28
5th Macao International Documentary Film Festival Kicks off Next Friday
The 5th Macao International Documentary Film Festival (MOIDF), organized by Comuna de
Han-Ian and sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao, will take place at Casa
Garden and Cinema Alegria between July 9 and July 25.
The MOIDF selects and presents 23 films from around the world this year, which are divided
into four sections: “New Release”, “Director in Focus”, “Taste of Portuguese”, and
“Classic-Doc”. Many of the films have Hong Kong and Macao premiere in the Festival.
Macao Premiere of Many Masterpieces, A Dialogue with Our Surroundings via Films
The MOIDF will kick off next Friday with The Witches of the Orient, focusing on the Japan
women’s volleyball team, which dominated the world in the 1960’s and now recount their
gripping stories after they are all in their seventies; the best plot comes from daily life, as
evident in The Painter and the Thief, which tells a true story of how a painter and a thief save
and support each other in the wake of a dramatic encounter, as director Benjamin Ree has
spent three years in shooting; Caught in the Net talks about the sexual assault of underage
girls online; Whale Island takes audiences on a journey to the sea, in which they could
understand and mull the possibility of the ocean becoming their life and future; Japanese
director Kazuo Hara presents Minamata Mandala this year, which captures the entire
process of how the Minamata victims have kept suing the government for compensation in
the video format; through the precious footages of the Sleep global tour and the oral account
of musician Max Richter, Max Richter’s Sleep dissects how this world’s longest concert
online and offline in history was born. Besides, there are more exciting films in the MOIDF,
and audiences could know more about them through the official MOIDF website and the
festival programme booklet.
“Taste of Portuguese” as usual selects many new films this time, including Vitalina Varela by
Portuguese film master Pedro Costa, which explores the complexities of love and hatred as
the colonial history and personal history intertwine; The Metamorphosis of Birds takes a look
at the birth and making of life through compiling the memories of the older generation that
have almost been lost and forgotten; Jack’s Ride depicts a taxi driver’s pleasant memory
journey to Portugal that sheds light on the frustration harbored by the previous generation in
the European country.
“Director in Focus” Anocha Suwichakornpong — Aesthetics of Southeast Asian
Mystery Films
The “Director in Focus” features Thai renowned director Anocha Suwichakornpong, who is
the first female to win the top honor in the Thai film industry with By the Time It Gets Dark.
Her works like Mundane History, By the Time It Gets Dark and Come Here will be screened
for the first time in the MOIDF, allowing audiences to take a peek at Suwichakornpong’s
aesthetics of non-linear mystery films with the flair of Southeast Asia. The MOIDF has also
invited Suwichakornpong to host the Master Class, a workshop for the director to share her
unique filmmaking style and to explore the possibilities of the experimental practice in
literature, documentary and fictional films. However, the Master Class will only be conducted
in the form of video and transcripts in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which will be
available on the official MOIDF website on July 15. Macao audiences are welcome to
participate in this exchange.
Meanwhile, in a bid to strengthen the overseas exchanges, the 5th MOIDF collaborates with
the South Taiwan Film Festival (STFF), a film festival in Tainan in celebration of its 20th
anniversary, to present seven films that were the previous award winners of STFF. In his
early work Taivalu, director Huang Hsin-yao, who is well-known for his film The Great
Buddha+, rarely showcases the dilemma faced by a documentary filmmaker between the
content of work and environmental protection; A Rolling Stone leads audiences to the
contradictory world of a socially vulnerable family where light and darkness coexist at the
same time; The Tree Remains illustrates a dark period of the Malaysian history about the
indigenous people being enslaved before the independence of the nation; A Study of Fly
starts from the meditation of a dying dragonfly and demonstrates a symbiotic relationship
chain in an experimental approach. Moreover, there are The Battle of Algiers, In Memory of
the China Town, and An Exposure of Affected Hospital, which outline the vicissitudes of life
and allow audiences to witness together the urban development and the change of times.
Chit-chat and Chillax with Others at Weekend Pop-up Bar
The MOIDF is always committed to shortening the distance between documentary films and
audiences through distinctive and innovative approaches. In collaboration with Yeast &
Feast, a pop-up bar will be set up in front of the screening hall of Casa Garden during the
Festival, where audiences could enjoy a sip of wine and chit-chat with others about
filmmaking before and after watching the films. On the final day of the Festival this year,
there is the Pre-Screening Sharing Session with Max Richter’s Works, when a mystery guest
will share with audiences about the classic works by Richter prior to the screening, offering a
different screening experience for audiences.
The 5th MOIDF, which restarts after suspension for a year, will accompany everyone to
perceive the post-pandemic world in a new perspective through films, looking for a new
balance between recording reality and exploring the unknown. It is hoped that when
watching documentary films, audiences could regard the work as a mirror and reflect on the
subtle relationship that might connect people with nature and the real world.
Film tickets will be available for sale at 1ticks.com starting from June 30. The price for each
session is MOP60, while students and senior citizens are entitled to a 50% discount. For
more information and activities about the MOIDF, please stay tuned with the official website,
www.moidf.com, and the Festival’s Facebook page.
Media Enquiries
Festival Marketing Coordinator:Raetia CHAN
Festival Email: info@moidf.com
About Festival:
The ‘Macao International Documentary Film Festival’ (MOIDF) was founded in 2016.
In every edition, dozens of award-winning documentaries from all over the world are invited
and screened in Macao for the first time under an ‘annual theme’. Through the ‘annual
theme’ and selected films, MOIDF is trying to communicate to the city, Macao, through
As the first and only film festival dedicated to documentary film in Macao, MOIDF also aims
to invite acclaimed directors from the globe to come to Macao in every edition for the
‘Director in Focus’ section. Audiences in Macao can meet these directors in person for
discussing and understanding the aesthetics behind their works.
MOIDF holds four sections (‘New Release’, ‘Director in Focus’, ‘Taste of Portuguese’ and
‘Classic-Doc’) in every edition of the festival.
Take place in the summer, MOIDF hopes to build the bridge and connection between the
documentary and Macao’s audience. MOIDF is dedicating to broaden the imagination of
reality through films.


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