牛房倉庫誠邀 閣下出席於12月10日(五)18:30,假 望廈山房 舉行之 2+0 / 1+1 藝術家駐場計劃:激浪魔方——陶博納立方體研究2015-2025 展覽開幕。
策展人 Curator:湯瑪斯 Dr. Thomas Täubner
藝術家Artist:曹愷 CAO Kai
陶博納立方體(Täubner’s Cube),該名詞源自已故的德國攝影家威爾佛雷德.陶博納(Wilfried Täubner,1940-1994)關於「立方體」的觀念攝影,由中國藝術家曹愷在2015年為其命名,並使用這一概念進行研究和創作。
Täubner’s Cube, originated from the conceptual photography of “Cubes” by the late German photographer Wilfried Täubner (1940-1994), is a term coined by Chinese artist Cao Kai in 2015, who has studied and made art creations based on this concept.
Wilfried Täubner created a steel cube structure for his images, comprising six faces that include two perpendicularly-placed mirrors and an open four-sided frame. Täubner placed the cube in different types of spaces, resulting in a type of contradictory landscape images through the flat conversion of the camera lens. The open frame of the cube divides the space where it is located for the second time, presenting a fragmented view; the surface of the perpendicularly-placed mirrors plays a dual role of concealment and reflection, underscoring the effects of displacement and rough connection following division. Thus, these create a sense of alienation from the unfamiliar landscape.
Artist Cao Kai published an initial study about Täubner’s Cube in World Art, a journal under the Central Academy of Fine Arts, in which Cao allegorically described the cube as the contradictory, paradoxical and inconceivable “KUBUS”.
Cao has started artistic collaboration with the Täubner family from the withered forest in Cologne, Germany since 2015, utilizing the cube concept left by Wilfried Täubner to undertake reconstruction — concept reconstruction and image reconstruction. The former is about busting the dependence of installation art on “thing” and its obsession with “ready-made”, and creating a cube in consciousness with the construction of virtual thinking through meditation, graphics, voices (dialogues and monologues), texts (writing and poems) and other forms of expressions of ideas. The latter is a space basically constituted by the cube, and it projects a visual intention with dynamic and static image recording and editing. The expressions of this intention include performance art, noise art, occasional art, and other Fluxus actions and activities.
The collaborators participating in this art programme by Cao include Sinology expert Thomas, dancer and performing artist Julin-Julia Täubner, assistants-cum-art students Li Shixian and Gu Jianyu, and art student Cao Yue that has recently joined the programme. In some sense, the list of collaborators also includes the late Wilfried Täubner — in commemoration of Wilfried, Cao Kai has named the relevant cube “Täubner’s Cube”.
展覽地點 Exhibition Venue:美副將大馬路55-61號望廈山房(美副將公務員宿舍舊址)N.º 55-61 Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Mong-Ha Villas (Antigos Dormitórios de Funcionários Públicos)
開幕 Opening Ceremony:10/12/2021(星期五 Friday )18:30
展期 Exhibition Period:11/12/2021 – 09/01/2022
開放時間 Opening Hours:10:00-19:00
主辦 Organisation:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
贊助 Sponsors:澳門基金會 Fundação Macau
獨家媒體支持 Single Cyber Media Support:灣區之下 Beyond the Bay
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
社交平台 Social Media:Facebook|牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse