Embrace the Rainbow》,於2022年1月至2023年1月,假瘋堂斜巷10號瘋堂十號
創意園二樓 C03 展覽室,展出由 10 位本地藝術工作者帶出 5 場極具個人風格的展
第四場展覽:「擁抱彩虹」之 《初次感動的樂》
日期 : 2022年8月14日至9月28日
參展人 : 余詠琴 (U Weng Kam)、蔣婉媚 (Cheong Un Mei)
媒材 : 油畫、複合媒材
入場 : 免費
主辦單位 : 方舟澳門藝術學會
協辦單位 : 望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園
贊助單位 : 澳門基金會
地址 : 澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷10號
(Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro ,10, Macau)
開放時間 : 上午十一時至下午六時,逢星期一休息
Ark-Association of Macau Art Proudly Presents
“Art Power Jamming – Embrace the Rainbow”
Ark-Association of Macau Art (the “AAMA”) takes great pleasure to present its
2022 art program entitled “Art Power Jamming – Embrace the Rainbow”. The
program, which is sponsored by Macao Foundation, and supported by Creative
Industries Promotion Association of St. Lazarus Church District and 10 Fantasia,
will showcase five exhibitions presented by ten Macau artists with different
creative styles. The exhibitions will be running back to back from January 2022
until January 2023, taking place in room C03, 2nd floor at 10 Fantasia.
“After the haze comes the sunny day, and the rainbow always comes after the
storm.” The title of this exhibition series revolves around hope and recovery.
Under the global pandemic situation, what happened to us? What should be
thankful for us? What inspired us? What does it mean to Macau and the world?
Life is like this, even if the predicament is daunting, it may be difficult to change.
However, instead we can adjust our own mindsets with confidence and
persistence, ignite hope, light the road ahead and also the connection among
people to return our life to normal gradually. It seems like seeing the rainbow after
the rain.
In this era of social distancing and isolation, people need solace from art and
aesthetics. Art evokes the power of healing, and the spiritual essence of pursuing
creation can better reflect the value of artistic creation. Creation gives birth to life
and facilitate the prosperity of civilization. In this way, the value of art creator is
not only the comforter, but also a facilitator and motivator.
These five exhibitions assemble ten local art workers to demonstrate their
creativity and give rise to hope after the pandemic. This program also promotes
the spark among the artists, contributing to the exchange of ideas and creative
experiences. The unique creation of each exhibitor will nourish the mind and soul
of audience, as well as spreading the vitality and charm of art to everyone.
4th Exhibition : Embrace the Rainbow – “An Emotional Outlook”
Date : 14th August to 28th September, 2022
Artist : U Weng Kam, Cheong Un Mei
Medium : Oil Painting, Composite media
Admission : Free
Organizer : Ark – Association of Macau Art
Co-organizer : Creative Industries Promotion Association of St.
Lazarus Church District, 10 Fantasia
Sponsor : Macao Foundation
Address : 10 Calçada da Igreja de São Lázaro, Macao
Opening Hours : 11:00 am – 6:00 pm (closed on Mondays)
