秋季沙龍與東方基金會入選作品將於十月三十日於澳門東方基金會開幕,展期由十月三十一日至十二月五日。「秋季沙龍2021」獲澳門基金會資助部分經費,媒體合作伙伴包括今日澳門及句號報等。如有查詢請於辦公時間內致電2836 6064 或電郵至info@afamacau.com以獲取更多資訊。
參加「東方基金會藝術獎」者須為澳門永久性居民且年齡介乎18至35歲。參賽者可在2021年8月29日前透過以下鏈接報名: https://forms.gle/PG2LhSzK2QoqCkiTA
Open Call: Autumn Salon 2021 and Orient Foudation Art Prize 2021 are now online!

Autumn Salon
Organized by Orient Foundation and Art For All Society (AFA), the annual event sponsored by Macao Foundation, “Autumn Salon” is now open for application. Stepping into the 12st anniversary, we keep our initial aspiration, which is providing a platform to the Macau art practitioners for showcasing their latest works. The selected artworks will be showcased at Casa Garden of Orient Foundation.
Orient Foundation Art Award
Furthermore, in order to encourage Macau young artists, Orient Foundation launches the “Orient Foundation Art Award” each year. The winner will have an opportunity to visit Portugal in 2022 for a month as artist residency (the total prize of MOP$50,000 including air ticket and accommodation). Winning and selected artworks will be showcased together with the selected artworks of “Autumn Salon” in Casa Garden. Grab your chance and let your work shine!
The opening of the exhibition will be in 30 October at Orient Foundation, and opened to public from 31 October to 5 December 2021. “Autumn Salon 2021” is partly sponsored by the Macao Foundation. Media partners are Hoje Macau and Ponto Final. For any enquiries please contact with us at 2836 6064 or email to info@afamacau.com.
Application of “AFA Autumn Salon 2021”
This is a contemporary art open call for all Macau residents and also the artists who are now living and working in Macau. Applicants can submit the work that is painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, installation and video, etc. Your artwork will be reviewed and selected by a committee composed by the representatives of AFA as well as invited local veteran artists. Application can be signed up from below link by 29 August 2021 : https://forms.gle/3MrL3FPvvDMiW3Ws9
*Each applicant can submit up to 3 artworks (set) maximum, the artworks delivery date and address will inform later.
Application of “Orient Foundation Art Award 2021”
For “Orient Foundation Art Award”, participants should be Macau local residents and under the age of 35. The Application can be signed up from below link by 29 August 2021 : https://forms.gle/PG2LhSzK2QoqCkiTA
The works should be delivered from 1st to 4th September (Wednesday to Saturday), 10AM to 6PM in Macao-China Delegation of Orient Foundation, Casa Garden, Praça Luís de Camões, 13, Macau. Please mark this information outside packing for identifying: English full name, Contact No., ID No., and artwork image.
***Remark: Please be noted that an artwork cannot be submitted to “Autumn Salon” and “Orient Foundation Art Award” at the same time.