由方舟澳門藝術學會及 CCLOVETHINK 主辦、澳門基金會贊助、恩藝設計工作室及遊.咖啡協 辦之«藝力匯聚–重生» 之«向死而生 – 王雅萍作品展», 將於 2021 年 8 月 7 日假遊.咖啡開幕。
名稱 : 向死而生 – 王雅萍作品展 日期 : 2021 年 8 月 7 日至 2021 年 9 月 12 日
參展人 : 王雅萍 (Tracy Wong – CC)
媒材 : 混合媒材
入場 : 免費
主辦 : 方舟澳門藝術學會, CCLOVETHINK
贊助 : 澳門基金會
協辦 : 遊.咖啡 CAFE VOYAGE
地址 : 澳門羅神父街 31-A 號寶美安大廈地下 D 座
開放時間 : 星期一至日,下午十二時至晚上十時
重生的古意有兩重意思,一死而復生。二是獲得新的生命。近日在網上有一條短片,主角叫 「蟹堅強」,受了很嚴重的傷,十條腿全部斷了,讓我驚嘆不已瞭它的向死而生,蘊含著的 強大生命力。
重生是獲得新的生機,螃蟹具有斷肢再生的能力,當螃蟹遇到危險時,本能使它斷肢在斷口 上會產生一些分生細胞不斷分裂,分化,生長,逐漸長出新的肢體。
是怎樣出現的? 如果生命有個限期,生存的意義就就會不一樣嗎?在繁忙的工作中人們好像漸漸忘記了自己 存在的意義,一樣的時間一樣的車站一樣的生活。我們都希望在生存的時間裏能為世界帶來 美好的事物,在嬰兒到老的演變過程中須有所經歷才會成長。
因為四個字對海德格產生興趣,向死而生。『人應該在世界中作為將死的過客居住,並且珍 惜它,而不是操控地球。人生有很多次選擇,可能哪次鬼使神差的選擇就改變了生命的運行 軌跡。』
向死而生是海德格爾對社會評價,『人只要還沒有亡故,就是向死的方向活著。這個存在者 的一生貫穿著走向死的整個過程,這個過程是先於亡故的存在形式。在這個向死的過程中, 人能真實地感受到自我的強烈存在感,自己在這個向死的過程中在場。』
提出者: 馬丁•海德格爾 出 自: 《存在與時間》
王雅萍 Tracy Wong (CC)
澳門手作及創意人協會理事長,邊樹文化藝術有限公司項目主任,Thiry-seven Degress 插畫 師,CCLOVETHINK 創辦人,從事文化藝術及手作教育,最愛用插畫,針筆,手工藝,平 面設計,版畫等創作及記錄生活。中學修讀平面設計, 後報讀澳門理工視覺藝術美術系版 畫專業及藝術行政證書課程。參與過手作, 藝術,版畫、素描、篆刻、港澳社區藝術聯 展,香港觸感藝術等作品展等。
方舟澳門藝術學會 ARK-ASSOCIATION OF MACAU ART (簡稱:方舟藝術 AAMA) 以推廣藝 術文化為宗旨,希望透過舉辦各竹項藝術活動,如展覽、講座、工作坊等,給予本澳居民一 個能學習藝術知識,發揮創意和享受創作樂趣的空間。從而提升大眾對「藝術」的鑒賞水平 外,也可提升其生活素質。另一方面,也能通過藝術的渠道,把工作和生活中的壓力和煩悶 釋放出來。
方舟澳門藝術學會 Ark – Association of Macau Art
手機 : 藝術家 王雅萍 CC (853) 6686 4091 會長 黃小姐(853) 6234 4344 ; 理事長 粱先生(853) 6667 6080
電郵 : ark2014assart@gmail.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ark0macau0art/
微信 : ARK-MacauART
網址 : ark-assmcart.blogspot.com/
Ark-Association of Macau Art (the “AAMA”) exclusively presents Art Power Jamming – Rejuventation
“Live for Death – Works by Tracy Wong”. The exhibition is sponsored by Macao Foundation, organized by
Ark-Association of Macau Art and CCLOVETHINK, supported by Café Voyage and Graceart Design Studio.
Exhibition details
Name : Live for Death – Works by Tracy Wong
Date : 7th August 2021 – 12th September 2021
Artist : Tracy Wong (CC)
Medium : Mixed Media
Admission : Free
Organizer : Ark – Association of Macau Art, CCLOVETHINK
Sponsor : Macao Foundation
Co-Organizer : Graceart Design Studio, Café Voyage
Address : Rua Do Padre Antonio Roliz No.31-A Edf. Pou Mei On R/C, Macau
Opening Hours : Monday to Sunday, 12 pm – 10 pm
Exhibition Concept
The ancient meaning of rebirth implies two meanings – resurrection from death; or the birth of a new life.
Recently, I watched a short clip on a website featuring “The Staunch Crab “. Although it was seriously injured
with ten legs were broken, its vitality astonished me.
Rebirth is to obtain new vitality. Crabs have the ability to regenerate their limbs. When a crab encounters
danger, its instinct will cause some meristematic cells to divide, differentiate, grow and gradually generate
new limbs.
What is the meaning of existence that we have been searching for throughout our lives? How did it appear?
If life has a time limit, will the meaning of survival be different? In the busy working life, people seem to
forget the meaning of their existence, leading the same lifestyle at the same time at the same stage. We all
hope that we can bring good things to the world during our survival, and we need experience to grow up
during the evolution from infant to old age.
“Live for Death” is appealing for Martin Heidegger. “People should live in the world as a dying passer-by
and cherish it instead of manipulating the earth. There are many choices to live, and perhaps a choice has
changed the trajectory of life.”
“Live for Death” reflects Heidegger’s evaluation of this society, “As long as a person is still alive, he will live
towards the direction of death. The life of this being runs through the entire process of death, which is a form
of existence that precedes death. In this process of dying, people can truly feel the strong sense of selfexistence, and they are present ahead of death.”
Proposed by: Martin Heidegger From: “Being and Time”
About Artist: Tracy Wong
Tracy is currently the president of Oh My Hand Macau, project supervisor of Binshu Studio, illustrator of
Thirty-seven Degrees, as well as founder of CCLOVETHINK. She is fully dedicated in culture, art and
handicraft education, and is keen to record her daily occurrence and lifestyle through illustration, needle pen,
handicraft, graphic design and printmaking After studying graphic design in secondary school, she obtained
her professional qualification by enrolling in the Printmaking and Art Administration Certificate Programme
under the major of Visual Arts in Macau Polytechnic Institute. Throughout these years, she has involved in
numerous artistic creations, including handicraft, art, printmaking, sketching, seal cutting, as well as
participating in different collective exhibitions in Hong Kong, Macau, not limited to the Hong Kong Touch
Art Festival.
About Ark-Association of Macau Art
Ark-Association of Macau Art (the “AAMA”) embraces the mission of promoting art and culture through
hosting various types of art activities, such as exhibitions, seminars and workshops. The association aims to
hold activities including the provision of a channel for the Macau residents to learn about art as well as serving
as a platform to showcase their talents and creativity, in the hope of enhancing their art appreciation and
improving their quality of life. In addition, these activities enable the participants to release the pressure from
their work and daily life.
Contact Information
Ark – Association of Macau Art
Mobile : Tracy Wong – Artist (853) 6686 4091
Ms. Wong – Chairman (853) 6234 4344; Mr. Leong – President (853) 6667 6080
Email : ark2014assart@gmail.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ark0macau0art/
WeChat : ARK-MacauART
Website : ark-assmcart.blogspot.com/