

“Perhaps, that the androgynous mind is resonant and porous; that it transmits emotion without impediment; that it is naturally creative, incandescent and undivided.”

——維吉尼亞·吳爾芙 / Virginia Woolf (1882~1941)


“A Room of One’s Own – Hermaphroditus” – Concert & Performance

時間:5月6日(星期六)20:00 或 5月7日(星期日)20:00
入場:200 澳門元
演出者:高凱琳、許佳琳、岩舟、Izaak Ez

「雋文不朽」——第十二屆澳門文學節將於5月6至7日假婆仔屋文創空間舉行其跨年度計劃「一個人的房間」第二部份之音樂舞蹈表演「同體 / Hermaphroditus」,以被譽為二十世紀現代主義與女性主義的英國先鋒女性作家維吉尼亞·吳爾芙(Virginia Woolf)於其作品《一個人的房間》中所提出的「雙性同體」(androgyny)為靈感基礎,透過對吳爾芙文本的理解和分析,創作團隊與文學節工作坊的參與者經過一連串的討論與創作實驗,最後將文字轉化成肢體舞動、現場音樂、場景與服裝設計的結合,探索人性在關係中的微妙與無常。

是次演出「一個人的房間——同體」由吳爾芙的創作出發,以非故事性的表演敍事方式展開,由澳門新銳舞者簡穎欣(Tina Kan)聯同其於北京習舞逾十年的創作搭檔北京舞者鄭杰(Jay Zheng)共同編舞,並將現場音樂融入當代芭蕾舞,聯同兩位本地舞者高凱琳(Helen Ko)和許佳琳(Karen Hoi),伴隨著澳葡詩人Ezaak Ez及本地詩人岩舟(Menn Chao)貫穿角色中的演繹,與澳門著名夢幻電音樂團Evade的現場演出,從當代文學角度出發,帶觀眾進入一場關係與關係之間的美學張力。

攝錄: lamchantong
美術及化妝造型: MandyCheuk Makeup
Studio: shotcut.production

Time: 6 May (Sat) 20:00 or 7 May (Sun) 20:00
Venue: Albergue SCM
Admission: MOP 200
Directed & Choreographed by: Jay Zheng (Beijing), Tina Kan
Performed by: Helen Ko, Karen Hoi, M.Chow, Ezaak Ez
Live music: Evade
Tickets: https://forms.gle/Nmu2qYnv7qBbZZXv9

The music and dance performance “Hermaphroditus” of “The Script Road” – 12th Macau Literature Festival will be held on 6 and 7 May at Albergue SCM as the second part of its two-year project “A Room of One’s Own”. The performance is based on the idea of “androgyny” as proposed by Virginia Woolf, the pioneering British female writer of 20th century modernism and feminism, in her work “A Room of One’s Own”. Through a series of discussions and creative experiments, the creative team and workshop participants have transformed the ideas in the texts into a combination of dance, live music, scenography and costume design, exploring the subtleties and impermanence of human nature in relations.

The performance “A Room of One’s Own – Hermaphroditus” is a non-storytelling performance narrative which was inspired by Woolf’s work. The performance is choreographed by Tina Kan and her Beijing-based creative partner Jay Zheng, who has been dancing in Beijing for over ten years, and incorporates live music into contemporary ballet. Together with two local dancers, Helen Ko and Karen Hoi, accompanied by interpretations by Macau-Portuguese poet Ezaak Ez and local poet M. Chow, and a live performance by Macau’s renowned dreamy electronica group Evade, the show takes the audience into an aesthetic intensity among relations from a contemporary literary perspective.

Filming: lamchantong
Stylist & Makeup Artist: MandyCheuk Makeup
Studio: shotcut.production



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