方舟澳門藝術學會於2021年9月1日至9月25日期間, 於澳門饒宗頤學藝館呈獻2021年度會員作品展
「新時代」, 展示15位會員的獨特作品, 透過不同的媒材表達他們認為對社會、家庭、自身,甚至
日期 : 2021年9月1日至9月25日
入場 : 免費
主辦單位 : 方舟澳門藝術學會
協辦單位 : 恩藝設計工作室
場地協辦 : 澳門饒宗頤學藝館
地址 : 澳門肥利喇亞美打大馬路95號
開放時間 : 星期二至日 (10:00-18:00, 17:30 停止進場)
逢周一休館, 公眾假期照常開放
方舟澳門藝術學會 ARK-ASSOCIATION OF MACAU ART (簡稱:方舟藝術 AAMA) 以推廣藝術文化為宗旨,
Ark-Association of Macau Art (the “AAMA”) takes great pleasure to present 2021 members’
exhibition “New Era”, showcasing a multitude of artworks created by 15 members in
different mediums, with an aim to express their views on their main contributions to the
society, to families, to themselves and even as a citizen. Ths collective exhibition is held
at Academia Jao Tsung-I from 1st September to 25th September 2021.
As the saying goes: we never visit the same place twice. We are responding to the everchanging environment, and at every stage, we are striving to pursue happiness. Although
happiness is a different term for different people, the little action that each of us does
adapts to and contributes to a new era. We work together to create the entire scene we
are in, from going to work daily, typing a message with the keyboard, dining in different
restaurants, walking in the garden, smiling to strangers, volunteering to help others,
learning new skills, taking care of our parents, educating others and more. Our small step
pushes the overall scene changes. When we seem to be looking for our own satisfaction,
indeed each of us is cooperating with each other and contributing to the entire society.
Participating members
Coco Cheong, Yaya Vai, Celia Si, Betty Ng, Pamela Chan, Mei Mei Cheong, Fion Lei,
Splendidsaber, Dophine Wong, Bezalel Ho, Judy Lei, Carol Sam, Jansky Karl Lei, Kong
Leong, Weng UU
Exhibition details
Date : 1
st to 25th September 2021
Admission : Free
Organizer : Ark – Assocation of Macau Art
Co-Organizer : Graceart Design Studio
Venue : Academia Jao Tsung-I
Address : Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, No. 95 C-D, Macao
Opening Hours : 10:00-18:00. Last admission at 17:30
Closed on Mondays. Remains open on public holidays
About Ark-Association of Macau Art
Ark-Association of Macau Art (the “AAMA”) embraces the mission of promoting art and
culture through hosting various types of art activities, such as exhibitions, seminars and
workshops. The association aims to hold activities including the provision of a channel for
the Macau residents to leam about art as well as serving as a platform to showcase their
talents and creativity, in the hope of enhancing their art appreciation and improving their
quality of life. In addition, these activities enable the participants to release the pressure
from their work and daily life.
Contact Information
Ark – Association of Macau Art
Mobile : Ms. Wong – Chairman (853) 6234 4344
Mr. Leong – President (853) 6667 6080
Email : ark2014assart@gmail.com
Faceook : https://www.facebook.com/ark0macau0art/
WeChat : ARK-MacauART
Website : ark-assmcart.blogspot.com/