澳門藝術家梁子毛將於六月十六日至十八日﹙星期三至五﹚在奧比安辦公室舉辦個人畫展,是次展覽為第二場Art@Ambiente展覽系列並與澳門全藝社(AFA) 共同合作舉辦的澳門藝術展覽。


景世泰寧-無題,梁子毛,高份子塑膠彩、18K金箔、紫銅箔,d 150cm,2020

景世泰寧-坑,梁子毛,高份子塑膠彩、18K金箔,d 100cm,2020

離3,梁子毛,高份子塑膠彩、18K金箔、絹布,40×20 cm,2020
全藝社辦公室位於澳門羅理基博士大馬路265號一樓,辦公時間為週一至週五上午十時至下午七時。如欲查詢更多展覽詳情,請瀏覽全藝社網頁,或於辦公時間內致電2836 6064,或電郵至。
Solo Exhibition by Leong Chi Mou is about to open!
Macau artist Leong Chi Mou will have his solo exhibition in Ambiente Properties’ central Macau office. It’s the second in a series of Art@Ambiente exhibitions, organized this time in partnership with the AFA – Art for All – Macau, will be held on 16-18 June.

Solo Exhibition by Leong Chi Mou
Originally named Leong Chi Hou, Leong Chi Mou was born in China in 1991, he moved to Macau soon after. In 2015 he obtained a Bachelor’s degree from Macau Polytechnic Institute’s School of Arts, majoring in oil painting. Leong is a member of the Youth Committee of Macau Youth Art Association. He has established his own studio and is now creating beautiful oil paintings and doing some graphic design. He has participated in numerous solo, group and art exchange exhibitions and has gained a keen following of art collectors In Asia. Leong enjoys experimenting with new materials and makes good use of them in his creations. His current focus is on the study of Neo-Orientalism.

The Heyday – Untitle, Leong Chi Mou, Polymer Acrylic, 18K Gold Leaf, Cooper Leaf, d 150cm, 2020
Ambiente is delighted to have Mr Leong display some of his stunning works with us. A select few will be available to purchase. Refreshments will be served. Mr Leong will be in attendance from 1.30-2pm and 6-7pm.

The Heyday – Toilet, Leong Chi Mou, Polymer Acrylic, 18K Gold Leaf, d 100cm, 2020

Li Hexagram 3, Leong Chi Mou, Polymer Acrylic, 18K Gold Leaf, Slik, 40×20 cm, 2020
The solo exhibition by Leong Chi Mou will be opened to public from June 16 to 18, 2021 (Wednesday to Friday), 1:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.. Ambiente Properties’ central Macau office is located in 2/F Edificio Comercial Infante, 17A Rua do Doutor Pedro Jose Lobo, Macau.
AFA Macau is located in 1st Floor, Art Garden, Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues N. 265, Macau. For enquiries, please call (853) 2836 6064 during office hours or email to For more information, please visit